- autonomous decentralized energy supply
- additional demand for craftsmen's products (= more jobs)
- training effects from exposure to biogas technology
- improved health & hygienic conditions, etc.
Considering the present extent of biogas-plant diffusion, such effects should be viewed realistically,
i.e. not overvalued. While a substantial number of biogas plants may be installed in one or more
regions of a given developing country, they cannot be expected to have much impact at the national
level. At the regional and local levels, however, the multipartite effects described in this subsection
are definitly noticeable.
9. Social acceptance and dissemination
In many cases, the successful commissioning of a few biogas plants generates a keen demand for
more plants among local farmers and other interested parties. Consequently, the responsible
extension officer often sees himself confronted with the prospect of planning and building more
plants. However, before any decision is made in favor of launching a biogas extension program, the
extension officer should make an additional detailed analysis of all positive and negative information
concerning experience to date with the plants that have already been built. Only if the results so
indicate, should he decide to engage in further building and dissemination activities.
9.1 Determining factors of acceptance for biogas plants
On the whole, the question of acceptance covers all aspects of biogas technology discussed in this
book (agriculture, engineering/ construction, operation and maintenance, economic viability). In
order to avoid redundancy, this chapter is therefore limited to a discussion of general aspects that
have not yet been accounted for.
Biogas extension efforts should include special consideration of the role played by women, since it
is they and their children who perform much of the important work needed to keep a biogas plant
running. This includes tending cattle, collecting substrate, fetching water, operating gas appliances,
cooking, spreading digested slurry, etc. In many cultures, however, they are by tradition hardly
directly involved in the process of decision making, e.g. the decision "biogas plant: yes/no and
how". Nor are they often allowed for in connection with external project planning. In other regions,
though, e.g. many parts of West Africa, women are economically independent of their husbands, i.e.
they have their own fields, animals and farm-produce marketing channels.
Extension officers charged with planning and building biogas plants often have little or no
awareness of the specific local and regional social conventions. Thus, the promotion of
participation, the articulation of user interests, and the involvement of local extension workers are all
very important for doing them at least some degree of justice.
In general, a general willingness to accept the construction and operation of biogas plants can be
expected and/or can be increased by:
Planning/project organization
- involving the users, especially the women, in all decisions concerning "their" biogas plant
- coordinating all essential program measures with target group representatives
- keeping the user/target group informed
- establishing trustworthy, reliable implementing agency;