1.1 Historical Background
The ropeway – a rope based transport system – is
one of the oldest means of transportation system.
The principle of rope based transport system
was known even in ancient times. The early
Chinese historical drawing in Figure 1 shows, this
technology has been in use for goods and human
transportation since early 250 BC.
Modern ropeways started in Europe, particularly in
Germany, Austria and Switzerland and later, in Italy
and France. Fausto Veranzio of Venice developed
a bi rope passenger ropeway in early 1616. Later,
in 1664, Wybe Adam, a Dutchman, constructed
the first successful operational ropeway system.
Ropeways developed rapidly with the introduction
of wire ropes and later with the electricity driven
ones. Extensive use of tramways during World
War I between Italy and Austria in mountainous
terrain paved ways for developing and adapting
this technology into reliable transportation system
for carrying goods and people.
During the course of the industrial revolution, the
invention of steel ropes by the German mining
official, Albert in 1834, opened up the rapid
development of various types of rope based
transportation systems.
The first ropeway in Nepal was constructed in 1924
to carry stones from the quarry from Halchowk
Figure 1. Brush drawing of a Chinese aerial ropeway dated
250 B.C.
Figure 2: Ropeway of Faustus Verantius on historical example
(16th century)