Good access to resources is the most fundamental requirement for securing sustainable livelihoods. In the
past road building has often played a central role in interventions aimed at improving access. But in Nepal,
the construction of roads is exceptionally challenging, technically, economically and environmentally.
Nepal’s rugged terrain and rich but fragile ecosystem make connecting settlements by road often ill
advised both in terms of resource use and with regard to environmental conservation. Furthermore, roads
alone cannot guarantee access to services for the most marginalised and therefore are not effective at
combating poverty. In order to improve access for the poor, innovative solutions must be sought.
Complimentary means of transport offer the opportunity to have immediate effect on the poor’s access
to resources. For marginalised people in the hills and the mountains, complimentary means of transport
build on the benefits of the existing transport infrastructure to link them to essential resources in ways
that road building cannot.
Practical Action Nepal Office commenced its transport programme, focusing on complementary means of
transport in 1998. Suitable technology, affordable and easy to maintain by local communities themselves,
and thus sustainable, is the cornerstone of the programme. The gravity goods ropeway is one example,
designed to link villages in hilly and mountainous locations to the wider transport infrastructure, using
only the power of gravity.
Complimentary means of transport have supported better market linkages, increased income generating
opportunities, improved access to health and education services, and has fostered better community
Over the course of the installation of over a dozen gravity ropeways in Nepal, from the first in Mustang
District in 2002-03, Practical Action Nepal Office has learnt from its experiences, continually improving
the design of the systems, making their operation more efficient and safer. Practical Action Nepal Office
is convinced that this technology needs wider application to bring about positive changes to countless
more rural people’s lives. The growing interest in this technology from many donor organisations and
government department is testament to its vast potential. Practical Action Nepal Office welcomes these
organisations’ approaches for technical assistance to upscale the technology.
Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads (DoLIDAR), fully convinced of
the technology worth after discussions and meetings with Practical Action Nepal Office, began promoting
it by forming a technical committee comprising of specialists from both the organisations. The results
are these technical guidelines which reflect DoLIDAR’s commitment to integrate the technology into its
annual programme. Practical Action Nepal Office is confident that the guidelines will be a milestone in
promoting complementary means of transport, and gravity goods ropeway technology in particular, and
will have a considerable impact on the lives of many rural people.
Finally, I express my sincere thanks to the working team of DoLIDAR, technical team of Practical Action
Nepal Office and Fundraising and Communications Unit for finalising language, layout and coordinating
production of this publication.
Achyut Luitel
Country Director