Python Tutorial
Python is a programming language.
Python can be used on a server to create web applications.
Start learning Python now »Learning by Examples
Our "Show Python" tool makes it easy to learn Python, it shows both the code and the result.
Click on the "Run example" button to see how it works.
Python File Handling
In our File Handling section you will learn how to open, read, write, and delete files.
Python Database Handling
In our database section you will learn how to access and work with MySQL and MongoDB databases:
Python Exercises
Python Examples
Learn by examples! This tutorial supplements all explanations with clarifying examples.
Python Quiz
Learn by taking a quiz! This quiz will give you a signal of how much you know, or do not know, about Python.
Python Reference
You will also find complete function and method references:
Download Python
Download Python from the official Python web site:
Python Exam - Get Your Diploma!
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The Python Certificate documents your knowledge of Python.
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The Bootstrap Certificate documents your knowledge of the Bootstrap framework.