Beef cattle production and management
Practical Action
Support to informal livestock traders and transporters to form and run an association which
interacts with the farmers' commodity association
Credit schemes to allow smallholder farmers access inputs for commercial livestock
production, management and marketing
Trade finance assistance for informal Iivestock traders.
Unhealthy cattle (such as the one above) fetch low market prices.
Profile of contributors
Johnson Siamachira: is a Harare-based development communications specialist. His 18 years
experience covers social development, rural development, appropriate communications in
development and international communications media. A journalist by training, Siamachira has
experience in project planning and management of development projects as well as managing the
process of knowledge production, quality assurance of knowledge products, including effectively
sharing lessons learnt within development work, to influence development practitioners. Also, he
is able to build capacity of other staff to attain the required skills and excellence in project
planning and the production of knowledge products, as well as assure quality management of the
project cycle in conformity with specific organisational standards.
Contact details:
Marshall Shumba: is a Projects Manager with Practical Action Southern Africa under the Making
Markets Work for the Poor People Programme. He is based in Bindura and involved in planning
and implementation of Livestock Projects in Mbire District. He has six years experience of crop
and livestock extension in Mashonaland Central Province. He is a former employee of the
Agricultural Research and Extension (AREX) Department. Contact details: Mobile: 091 758 148;
Dr Taremeredzwa Mawango: is a District Veterinary Officer with the Ministry of Agriculture. He is
based in Bindura in Mashonaland Central Province. Dr Mawango has five years experience in
veterinary fieldwork. His main interest is advising farmers to adopt prevention methods when
dealing with animal diseases. Contact details: Mobile: 011-432-396; Tel: 071-6559/7101; E-
Darlington Zimunya: is the Acting Provincial Chief Livestock Specialist with the Department of
Livestock Production and Development, which falls under the Ministry of Agriculture. He is
based in Bindura, Mashonalalnd Central. Zimunya worked for five years for the then Department
of Agricultural, Technical and Extension Services (Agritex) as an Agricultural Specialist
(Training) before joining the Livestock Department in 2004. He is interested in promoting and
supporting the Livestock Industry in Zimbabwe.