Beef cattle production and management
Practical Action
Fine appearance, not too fat nor too thin, smooth and thin skin, glossy hair
Head is clean - cut, broad muzzle, neck is a good length
Chest is wide and deep, rib bones are wide, flat, deep and slanted towards the ear
Legs are strong and straight, rump is long, wide and not steep
The rear udder is wide, with squarely spaced teats of medium length and with superfluous
teats. The skin of the udder is loose and thin
Head, neck, body and shoulder are well proportioned
Oestrus/heat period
This oestrus period is the time when a cow will stand when mounted by either a cow or a bull and
there will be higher chances of conception.
This period averages about 18 hours and is somewhat shorter in heifers.
Heat Signs
Cow mounts other cows
Cow is very nervous
Swollen vulva
Clear watery mucus on tailor flanks
Cow stands still while being mounted
When mounted it stands still
Swollen vulva
Cleary watery mucus on tail or flanks
Cow stands still while being mounted
Cow mounts other cows