Beef cattle production and management
Practical Action
They provide health, nutrition and marketing services in the livestock sector. They are involved in
research, policy formulation and coming up with strategies to boost I ivestock prod uction and
NGO and Private Sector Service Providers
This group comprises of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), private companies and other
parastatals. They provide services to the farmers through projects that help improve the
Iivelihoods of farmers in the I ivestock sector. An example i ncl udes the Heifer International
Projects that involved passing on the first heifer that would have been calved to the next person
in need.
Private processors work together with governments departments in providing services.
2. Business development services
i) Supply of inputs
Access to good quality and affordable inputs in the right form and volume is critical to
the activities of different actors in a market chain.
ii) Research
Essential for development of appropriate technologies that enhance production,
processing and marketing. These tech nologies lower prod uction costs, increase supply
and quality. It is these technologies that make the difference between subsistence and
commercial production.
iii) Transport
Farmers should find the most cost effective means of transporting their products and
constantly review this service to find the most cost-efficient means.
iii) Communication
This includes post, telephone, e-mail and internet, etc. This is important as a means of
information transfer and dissemination.
iv) Market information
Essential for decision making, reducing transaction costs and risks and facilitating flow
of goods from production to consumption. This decreases cheating and unfair pricing.
Farmers should have knowledge on input sources and prices, current product prices in
local markets, degree of market volatiIity, price trends and seasonality, number and
types of markets operating in different localities; their volume, quality requirements and
selling arrangements.
v) Finance
Access to loans is important for commercial beef cattle production, management and
Opportunities for commercialisation of beef cattle production in Mbire
Setting up of market information systems
Promotion of market fares or sale pens by providing an improved service to all players
involved in the value chain
Promotion of the use of village-based animal health workers in beef cattle marketing
Promotion of farmer field schools in place of group extension model
Improved reproduction of through improved nutrition by using improved forages and targeted
supplementary feeding in order to improve quality and value of beef in Mbire District
Promotion of commercialization by smallholder livestock producers through training in
entrepreneurship skills
Mobilisation of farmers to form viable commodity associations or interest groups to
strengthen dialogue among players in marketing chain
Provision of training in leadership and management to farmer group leaders