The next phases are drying, selection and packaging for the
6. Post harvest process
Drying. Done using a dryer with a sloped, clear corrugated roof.
One of its walls has a forty centimetre opening to the ground floor
and another, also forty cm, to the height of the roof - both of the
openings span the width of the building. The inside is made up of
scaffolding/shelving on various levels, wide enough to serve as
trays on which to spread the cat-claw bark. The floor is gravel.
In this way a rapid drying process is achieved (approx. 5 days),
thanks to the build-up of solar radiation, increased by the
transparent roof, the circulation of fresh air and the movement
and exit of humidity from the upper opening.
Production and packaging. The dried bark can be packaged
with a sticker indicating weight, shearing, classification, packaging,
labelling, sealing and grouping.
Average value. A production cost of S/ 0,69 is calculated per
100g bag, and a sale price of S/ 1,50. That is to say, an additional
S/ 0,81 per 100g of bark (eight times more than wholesale bark).
Related Electronic Resources:
Management and transformation of cats-claw
Author: Rengifo, Grimaldo; Zanabria Vizcarra, Patricio
More information
Technical consulting service
Person of contact: Giannina Solari
Practical Answers (previously ITDG) /Av. Jorge Chávez 275 Miraflores, Lima, Perú
Telephone: (511) 447-5127/446-7324/444-7055 Fax: (511) 446-6621
Web: E-mail: