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< prev - next > Food processing Herbs and spices KnO 100596_Processing of cats claw (Printable PDF)
2. Sustainable management of cats claw
This consists of a series of activities which vary according to the
type of forest and the species or group of species that are to be
managed. The steps of the process are:
- Define the objective, which is to say, answer the question
‘why do we want to manage the forest?’ For example, to use
dry bark chosen from cats claw to generate aqueous
- Identify the land to be worked on (identification of the
management area)
- Explore the management area (the forest) and collect
information on the number of plants, their size and their
lengths (Inventory)
- Undergo cleaning and eradication of malicious materials
(silvicultural management)
- Sow Cats-claw plants in natural open areas (enrichment)
- Harvest the Lianas
3. Silvicultural management activities
These are the activities which aim to encourage the growth,
production and propogation of the species that are intended for
management, and enables us to select the desired characteristics
for our aims.
In the case of production, the main silvicultural management
activities are the following:
Delimit the management area and separate the area which is to be
harvested each year. In our case, the total delimited area was of
100 hectares which was divided into ten subplots, each of ten
hectares. This way the first plot, the one which is to be used in the
first year, would have ten years to recover before the second
harvest in the eleventh year.
4. Enrichment
Consists of planting activities in the forest.
Our experience has shown that it is best to use the forest as a
natural nursery, using the small plants to transplant to natural
clearings. The main activities to undergo during enrichment are:
Practical Answers (previously ITDG) /Av. Jorge Chávez 275 Miraflores, Lima, Perú
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