- Search for seedlings in naturally clear/open areas and new
farms. Of particular interest are naturally clear areas and
new farms where there are seedlings undergoing natural
- Preparation of the nursery. In a flat central place on the plot
not vulnerable to flooding, lay the temporal nursery for the
production of 600 plants; which is to say 8 ring beds each
ten metres by one metre, made with forest materials.
- Bag filling. With the same soil prepare the substratum,
adding the compost material (decomposing or organic
material) at a ratio of 2 soil to 1 compost. This substrate is
to be poured into black polyethylene bags 8 inch by 5 inch
by 1mm.
- Transplant the seedlings. Choose the best seedlings to be
transplanted on the same day to the chosen place,
preferably on a cloudy or rainy day.
- Care for the nursery. Wait five months before planting. The
stripping should be done from November and maintained
until April when the plant has a minimum height of 40cm.
- Planting in naturally clear areas and place of extraction. In
April start planting in same place as where the lianas were
extracted from, as long as the place is not flood-prone; if
this is not the case you should wait until June when
infiltration from the little lakes that form culminates.
- Maintenance. The maintenance consists of replacing the
plants which are dead, defecting or showing bad growth.
Further you must clean out impurities and free the plants
from strangling lianas and fallen palm leaves.
5. Harvest
The following activities are carried out:
- Create a path for those who will transport the product to
the meeting point with the trucks.
- Clear away weeds from the area that surrounds the
stumps and host trees, to make work easier.
- Select the lianas with over 5cm thickness (diameter) and
prune the hosts. To increase productivity in some special
cases the host can be logged, but normally only the liana
is cut.
Once the liana is extracted, cut it into one meter segments, clean
to remove the external layer (cortex), and the internal layer is
packed and transported in blocks of 30kg to the warehouse.
Practical Answers (previously ITDG) /Av. Jorge Chávez 275 Miraflores, Lima, Perú
Telephone: (511) 447-5127/446-7324/444-7055 Fax: (511) 446-6621
Web: www.solucionespracticas.org.pe E-mail: info@solucionespracticas.org.pe