The authors would like to acknowledge and thank the following authors and web sites that have placed
publications and information in the project and public domain regarding business development services and
private sector development. In order for the information contained in this e-tool to flow without interruption
references are not contained in the text itself. However please note that this tool includes extensive narrative
from project documents and information sourced from the following publications and web sites with both
oblique and direct often verbatim excerpts:
ANDERSON. G. and ELLIOT. D. (2007). The Role and Impact of Radio in Reforming the Rural
Business Environment in Africa. A study of Private FM Radio in Uganda. A paper written for the
Africa regional consultative conference "Creating better business environments for enterprise
ANDERSON. G. (2008). Integrating mass media in small enterprise development: Current knowledge
and good practices. Employment Working Paper No. 2 Job Creation and Enterprise Development
Department. International Labour Organization.
BEAR, M. (2007). A Systems Approach to Value Chain Development, Unpublished Paper. Third
National Conference of the BDS Donor Coordination Group, Kenya.
HITCHINS. R. and PRAG. T. (2005). Review of FIT-SEMA Project, Uganda. Unpublished Paper.
Presented by the ILO to the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA).
International Labour Organisation (2006). Project Document. Extension of the Small Enterprise
Media in Africa (SEMA) Project in Uganda. Unpublished Paper. Presented by the ILO to the Swedish
International Development Agency (SIDA).
MIEHLBRADT, A. and MCVAY, M. (2003). Seminar Reader - Business Development Services; Testing
the Guiding Principles. Unpublished Paper. BDS UPDATE; Fourth Annual BDS Seminar, Turin, Italy.
MIEHLBRADT, A. and MCVAY, M. (2006). Implementing Sustainable Private Sector Development:
Striving for Tangible Results for the Poor. Publications International Training Centre of the ILO.
Tanburn (ILO), Trah (GTZ), and Hallberg. Business Development Services for Small Enterprises:
Guiding Principles for Donor Intervention. 2001 Edition. Prepared by the Committee of Donor
Agencies for Small Enterprise Development
The SEEP Network. (2005). Technical Note No.3. The Role of the Facilitator: Taking a Systems
Perspective. Practitioner Learning Programme in BDS Market Assessment.
The authors‘ views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the
United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government.