Monitoring and evaluation
“We have observed an immense growth
in the number of dairy animals registered
since the training” – Chairman KLBO, Mr.
The KLBO reported registering increase
in demands for their services since the
training from all over the country.
KDSCP support has enabled the KLBO
increase number of cows registered by a
whopping 134% - from an average of
6,409 cows (2007&2008) to 15,000 cows
by end of 2010.
The program developed an explicit M&E framework and has engaged in ongoing performance assessment
and impact evaluation through measurement of target clients and stakeholders plus a reflective
assessment of wider market system change. KDSCP has focused on assessing changes in supply and
demand for services (with frequent tracking of efficiency indicators by SBOs and SPs), the development
of BDS markets, and how farmers use services to change business practices.
An informative review of the
program on a regular basis re
informs activities in each phase.
Facilitators are required to issue
a report detailing activities and
results by component, to LOL
on a monthly and quarterly
basis on activities carried out in
their milk sheds. Site visits are
also conducted to validate the
reported activities.
Farm level surveys also provide
impact indicators. These
surveys are done by consultants
contracted on a competitiveness
basis by LOL. The firm surveys
are conducted 2 times a year;
during the short rains and
during the long rains (February
and August). A panel sample is
used to track changes during
the two seasons (320 per milk
shed in the long rains and 40 in
the short) collecting data and
impact evidence from farmers.
These surveys report against
impact level indicators and
provide empirical evidence for
KDSCP. Competitive bidding is
used to select evaluators to
undertake such assessments for
Briefs and fact sheets are
written for USAID on a quarterly
basis and report on major
activities undertaken within the
program as well as to-date
program achievements.
The online M&E management information system
(MIS) tracks:
SBO membership by gender
Service providers in the program
Trainings offered through the program
Number of beneficiaries
Trainings by topic
People trained
Information can also be accessed relating to:
Specific cooperatives
Number of members of a particular
Names of farmers in SBOs
Information relating to service providers
The M&E MIS system tracks program deliverables,
including 30 customized indicators (i.e. not
contracted by USAID) in total as well as 6 specific
indicators from USAID.
Information for the system is provided by the
program stakeholders, inputted at source on a
daily basis by local facilitators, SBOs and SPs to
maintain purity and transparency of data (all data
is verified via the paper documentation held by
the users). The MIS system contains log-in
sections (Farmer and Livestock Portal for program SPs,
farmers, SBOs and business people. The system
allows stakeholders to access information
relating to training and to apply on line. The
system also allows the super facilitator to obtain
information summaries making dissemination of
information and reporting simple and easy. A
competitive bidding process has been employed
to develop a commercialization process for the
site and institutionalize it in the private sector.
Case studies are also developed
each month and accompany
progress reports from facilitators.
Sample farms are physically
visited to confirm reported
improvements and report
success stories from program
beneficiaries. These case studies
are also posted on the MIS
KDSCP endeavored to explore in
detail what was actually
happened as a result of the
interventions. This exploration is
necessarily somewhat open-
ended, identifying both positive
and negative outcomes. Such an
approach is required – at the
minimum, to complement, and to
make sense of quantitative
A project must undertake
assessments to measure the
impact understanding of
stakeholders and demonstrate
causality and attribution between
the inputs and services and
business improvements. It should
measure the impact among
farmers, SBOs, SPs, sector
institutions and policy makers.
The program must also measure
overall market change.
USAID undertake random and
independent assessment of the
program on the ground each