Lessons from the case study
There is a need to find out who does what within the home. What can each different person contribute to
the utilisation of the energy technology to be transferred? The location aspect however merits some
consideration. “Technologies may affect production by re-locating activities”*. In this case study, the
technology chosen had restricted women to cook inside the kitchen. Although they were still cooking in one
place within the compound, the movement of the three-stone fire enabled them to undertake different
activities at the same time. It also provided them with warmth when necessary.
Dissemination methods can include:
• Training in energy technology use
When people know how to use a certain technology, they will be willing to try it out and eventually
adopt it.
• Use of posters
In promotion of technologies, especially in a commercial approach. The messages on the posters
should clearly reflect gender issues in relation to the energy technology being disseminated.
One effective dissemination method
is the use of posters
• Use of trade marks
This ensures that the users are able to differentiate between stove technologies being disseminated
and choose brands.
• Demonstration sites, role models and technology symbols
Demonstration sites should be accessible to as many people as possible. Role models are mostly
used to indicate success stories but many also be used to illustrate failure in technology transfer
and adoption.
Topic 4.2: Promoting household energy technologies through commercialization
• To examine factors that determine a successful commercialization strategy
• To identify key actors in commercialization as a strategy from promotion and dissemination of
household energy technologies.