Topic 2.2: Mud stove design and gender consideration: An example
• To understand change in fuel availability over time
• To share experiences on prevailing energy situations in the region
• To encourage discussion on the basic characteristics of improved stoves
• To learn how to construct different mud stove technologies
Time: One to two days depending on number of mud stove technologies identified by the community
Content and procedure
• Discuss historical origin of mud stoves
• Assist participants to give examples of indigenous technical knowledge on mud stove production
• Using case studies discuss mud stove technology dissemination, successes and failures
• Examine the gender division of labour: who undertakes the activities which require energy (men,
women and children).
Practical activity
Demonstration and construction of different types of mud stoves according to the identified needs of the
User’s notes
Technology design can be examined fro a gender perspective through examining the gender division of
• Who undertakes the activities which require energy
• Who should participate in the consultation of the design of the energy technology?
Examples of the activities include;
Cattle branding
Food preservation
By whom?
Women, men and children
How often?
It can also be examined by assessing the design in relation to the user. The guiding issue, in this case, is to
identify who the energy users are. In order to undertake this activity, let the participants draw up a chart
Activities undertaken at
community and house-hold
level which require energy
Who undertakes the activity?
(women, men, children)
Type of energy required
The activities outlined by the communities are practised in specific locations which have certain
implications in the way work is done. The gender work and location issues should be one of the basis for
consideration of the design of an energy technology. For example, the Lorena stove has to be built in the
kitchen and in a specific position in order to:
• Trap sufficient air to facilitate complete combustion
• Support the chimney
• Facilitate easy feeding of firewood, ease of use and safety in the kitchen.