Theme Four
Energy Technology Transfer
Topic 4.1: Dissemination and delivery strategies
• To guide participants t o identify different methods of disseminating energy technologies
• To identify factors that determine choice of dissemination method and materials
Time; 1 hour
Content and procedure
• Guide participants to identify different methods of transferring and disseminating energy
• Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each of the methods identified within the rural and
urban community settings
• Discuss the limitations of these methods in addressing women’s men’s energy needs
• Identify the methods that can be used to obtain maximum levels of energy technology transfer and
User’s notes
What strategies?
For successful dissemination, the community must be consulted and involved right from the start of the
project. It is important identify and utilise existing local knowledge, skills and materials, and to introduce
the simplest technologies first. A collaborative approach enables stakeholders to identify and communicate
benefits and drawbacks of each technology to facilitate adoption. This also ensures high adoption rates and
sustainability of energy activities. Giving people choices and options to suit individual needs and
preferences safeguards against technology rejection where a particular technology does not satisfy the user
needs. Incorporating prevailing cultural practices and values also ensures acceptance of technologies. The
following case study is used to demonstrate how failure to consult the community before embarking on
energy technology dissemination can lead to rejection
Giving people choices safeguards against technology rejection