La Guardería solar shower: hot and cold valves
4.5 Mounting Systems
In the existing AIDG/ Xelateco installations the collector support structure usually consists of
propping up the top of the panel with two breeze blocks on each side. Tanks are also
supported by a base of blocks, only higher. In other countries with stringent building
regulations, solar installations on flat roofs have demanding requirements on ballast weight to
counteract maximum wind loads. Mounting structures on pitched and flat roofs add
considerable design and labour time to an installation not to mention cost. It wouldn‟t be
possible to copy these over-engineered models. However some improvements would be
worthwhile to make the systems more robust against storms.
One addition, included at Nueva Alianza (A2.1), would be angle iron „A-frames‟ for the
collectors. This consists of (on each side) a horizontal strut connected to the bottom corner,
bolted to a vertical strut which is connected to the top corner. The vertical and horizontal
lengths should be calculated for optimal collector inclination (35º.) They should be bolted to
the collector brackets and strengthened with angle iron connections between the vertical strut
on each side. An „A-frame‟ structure at Nueva Alianza is shown in photo MS1.
These A-frames underneath the collector should be bolted to concrete blocks or the roof itself if
possible. This provides anchor weight against winds. If blocks are used they should be
cemented when their final position is set. The height and shape of the tank increases its
vulnerability. Its breeze block base needs to be cemented, and brackets should be designed to
hold it in place.