2.2.2 Frame Backing Plate
Use tin snips to cut to size: 915mm x 1228mm. Line with 920 x 1230mm sheet of Termo-flex
insulation (2mm thick.) Paint the underside of the backing plate with anti-corrosive paint.
Painting the inside is optional.
2.2.3 Frame Assembly
1. Position the insulated backing plate inside the channel. Rivet in place.
2. Cut three 870mm lengths of channel. These will form spacers
3. Position the separators width-ways inside the backing plate at 300mm intervals. The 63mm
section of the āCā will make contact with the backing plate/ insulation.
4. Rivet the backing plate to the spacers.
Collector frame mounted to insulated backing frame with spacers
2.2.4 Top of the frame.
Cut a 917mm section of Channel. Drill the outlet for the pipe as described in 2.2.1.
2.2.5 Enclosing the Absorber in the Frame
Note: the absorber backing plate is drilled and the underside brackets are bolted to it from the
inside. This should be done before the absorber is enclosed in its frame.
Slide the absorber into position inside the frame, sitting on the spacers. Slide the frame top
over the serpentine outlet and rivet into place.