Saylor Academy's Blueprint Template
All Saylor Academy courses begin as blueprints, which are detailed topic outlines that identify the learning taxonomies for a given course of study in a linear, pedagogically sound progression. When designing the blueprints, we aimed to be as granular as possible, topically identifying concepts, and calling attention to their presentation in the assigned resources. Our blueprints are granular, drilling down to sub-subunit levels in many cases. Please avoid general headings and work to clearly present the various sub-topics and principles you will need to cover. Review this document to see the template and instructions for creating a blueprint from scratch. Note, however, that Saylor’s primary course goals involve updating existing courses, and it is unlikely that you will be asked to develop a blueprint from scratch. Instead, you’ll likely be asked to adapt the blueprint structure to effectively incorporate the best openly licensed materials, address identified weaknesses in learning progressions, or otherwise revise an existing blueprint.