Unit 7 Activities

Time Advisory

This unit will take approximately 10.5 hours to complete. 

  • Subunit 7.1: 5.5 hours
  • Subunit 7.2: 5 hours  

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:

  • Discuss the relationship between 'global' and 'justice' in light of the western/non-western debate with particular emphasis on practical applicability of 'just' norms and practices.
  • Construct possible solutions for alleviating or rectifying global injustices that may be pursued by local, national, and/or global decision-makers.
  • Analyze the nexus between political, economic, and social decision-making with respect to creating mechanisms for distributive justice in a global context.

7.1 Revisiting the Western-Non-western Discourse

Reading: Ethics & Global Politics: Göran Collste's "...Restoring the Dignity of the Victims. Is Global Rectificatory Justice Feasible?” (HTML and PDF)

Instructions: The link above takes you to the abstract of the article published in the journal Ethics & Global Justice.  Click on PDF or HTML below the abstract to download the full article.  Read the entire 15-page text for a discussion on rectificatory justice. What are the author's arguments in favor of such a justice scheme?  Is it more than 'righting the wrongs of the past?'  Does it contribute to our current understanding of global justice?

Reading, note-taking, and answering the questions above should take approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete.

Terms of Use: Please respect the copyright and terms of use displayed on the webpage above.

Reading: University of Oxford Centre for the Study of Social Justice: David Miller's "Fair Trade: What Does It Mean and Why Does It Matter?” (PDF)

Instructions: Please click on the link above to access a list of working papers archived by Oxford University's Centre for the Study of Social Justice.  Scroll down to 2010, find the title of the paper, and click on 'download' to access the PDF file.  Miller explores the topic of fair trade, which is intricately tied to issues of global justice and western/non-western dichotomies.  His analysis illuminates the conceptual difficulties that arise when justice is pursued in practical terms.

This reading should take approximately 2 hours to complete.

Terms of Use: Please respect the copyright and terms of use displayed on the webpage above.

Reading: Ethics & Global Politics: Richard Falk's "The Power of Rights and the Rights of Power: What Future for Human Rights?” (HTML) (PDF)

Instructions: The link above takes you to the abstract of the article published in the journal Ethics & Global Justice.  Click on PDF or HTML below the abstract to download the full article.  Read the entire 16-page text for a discussion on the future of human rights in the context of state power.  What are Falk's central arguments with respect to the protection and promotion of human rights and their intersection with sovereignty?  What are the potential consequences for global justice?

Reading, note-taking, and answering the questions above should take approximately 2 hours to complete.

Terms of Use: Please respect the copyright and terms of use displayed on the webpage above.

7.2 The Compatibility of 'Global' and 'Justice'

Reading: Yale University: Thomas Pogge's "What Is Global Justice?” (PDF)

Instructions: Please click on the link above, and then select 'gjlecture.pdf' to access the PDF version of Dr. Pogge's chapter on global justice.  Read the entire article (20 pages).  Dr. Pogge explicates the philosophical framework of global justice through the application of poverty.

This reading should take you approximately 2 hours to complete.

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Reading: New York University: Thomas Nagel's "The Problem of Global Justice” (PDF)

Instructions: The link above takes you to Dr. Nagel's faculty page at New York University.  Click on the title of the paper under "online papers" to download a PDF version of the paper.  Nagel does not espouse the virtues of patriotism and what global theories of justice miss in their construction.  Instead, Nagel questions whether it makes sense to speak of justice in a global context--at least at this point in time--whatsoever.  In short, although variants of global justice might seem attractive, they are nonsensical and take us away from the meaningful work both theoretical and applied left to be done with regard to domestic justice. 

Studying this article should take you approximately 3 hours to complete.
Terms of Use: Please respect the copyright and terms of use displayed on the webpage above.

Last modified: Friday, February 27, 2015, 3:23 PM