Introductory survey on the basic principles, terminology, and methods of political science. Combines historical study of the discipline's greatest thinkers with analysis of contemporary issues. thomas edison, asba, college credit, ace
Examination of the major texts and figures in the history of political thought, including Plato, Machiavelli, and Rousseau. Topics of analysis include: power, justice, rights, law, and other issues pertaining to governance.  college credit, nccrs, thomas edison, asba
Survey of the governments and politics of several contemporary societies in the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Explores political leadership, representative mechanisms, legal processes, and the extra-institutional behaviors of voting culture, ethnic conflict, and corruption.  college credit, thomas edison, asba, tecep, ace, alternative credit project
Introductory course on American politics, with an emphasis on its constitutional foundations, the electoral process and political participation, the decision-making process in Congress, the executive branch, and the federal courts. college credit, clep
Examination of the role that ethical, cultural, religious, and moral principles play in the formulation and execution of public policy by lawmakers and other public officials. Explores existing issues in domestic and international policy, including justice, equality, fairness, individual liberty, free enterprise, charity, and human rights.  memphis, finish line
Detailed exploration of contemporary debates and controversies regarding global justice. Topics include: human rights theory, the moral significance of national and cultural boundaries, the currency of distributive justice, global inequality and poverty, environmental devastation, and violence against women and children.  memphis, finish line