Unit 3 Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:
- describe the difference between Rousseau's notion of "the state of nature” and that of both Hobbes and Locke
- explain Rousseau's notion of how inequality comes to be in a society and his treatment of the relationship between freedom and equality
- compare and contrast the need for and design of a social contract as explained in the writings of Rousseau and Locke
- explain what role Tocqueville thought religion played in American society
- describe Tocqueville's thoughts on the notion of equality both in America and in France;
- explain Marx's thoughts on the relationship between Christianity, the secular state, and capitalism
- describe Marx's theory of history, and explain his economic worldview and how it relates to political structures.
Last modified: Wednesday, August 3, 2016, 3:26 PM