Unit 3 Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:

  • Compare and contrast nationalist and patriotism based arguments about justice with the cosmopolitan political theories.
  • Identify and explain how the component parts of a theory of justice provide a foundation for a nationalist or cosmopolitan political perspective.
  • Make an argument either criticizing a particular theory of justice and its corresponding political theory or supporting a theory of justice and its corresponding political theory, or both.
  • Explain different versions of global distributive justice--for instance, one based upon a conception of basic human needs, one based upon a conception of equality of opportunity or access, and one based upon a radical egalitarian distribution of resources.
  • Make an argument for or against global distributive justice while addressing the issues of state sovereignty, human affiliation, and communal ties.
Last modified: Friday, June 10, 2016, 10:27 AM