Would stocking SIS in ponds used for aquaculture be detrimental to the cultured species?
The responses of the respondents to this issue may be summarised as follows:
• very few had any experience of such interaction;
• some said SIS could not be cultured in ponds;
• a few said that cultured SIS would not be so tasty as those caught in open waters;
• some thought that SIS would cause harm by spreading diseases from the open waters;
• some thought that the SIS would be eaten by the boromach;
• others said that SIS would compete with boromach for food;
• some said that there would be mutual benefit, as they co-existed in nature.
Do you have any preference for SIS (over other fish)?
• all respondents preferred SIS because each species has a particular taste;
• some women said that SIS were more nutritious than boromach;
• both men and women said they preferred SIS because these were more affordable;
• both men and women said that Mola, Dhefa, Kajoli, Kachki and other SIS were rich in vitamins;
• some said that eating SIS was good for the eyes;
• nearly all said that SIS is a good source of protein: boromach is too expensive;
• many said that with chotomach each family member was able to eat a whole fish.
Are there any benefits or problems from eating SIS?
The most widely claimed benefits were:
• SIS is available locally;
• SIS is tasty;
• SIS can be eaten with bones;
• SIS has many vitamins;
• SIS has many minerals;
• SIS is good for the eyes;
• SIS is easy to catch;
What are the options for conservation of SIS?
A number of options were discussed for how SIS could be conserved, and the main actions thought required are given
Recommended Actions
• total ban on the use of small mesh nets which catch spawn, fry and firgerlings of SIS;
• enforcement of the ban on using current jal and other destructive gears;
• regulate use of all nets and gears during breeding and spawning season;
• total ban on the catching and collection of carp spawn for culture, and the by-catch of SIS;
• ban the capture of SIS when the breeding season is on;
• ensure that brood stock is able to spawn by:
providing fish sanctuaries (so SIS can have permanent habitat);
allowing fish stocks to move between bee Is, floodplains and rivers:
• ensure entry of fish spawn, larve and fry;
• ensure entry of monsoon and natural water flow into floodplains, depressions and beels;
• opening the water entry point (between rivers and flood plain);
• ensure that fish are healthy and able to move safely inside the floodplain; and
• remove silt from khals, beels so SIS can live there.