Food, Livelihood and Freshwater Ecology:
The significance of small indigenous fish species
Fisheries, an important mainstay of the people of Bangladesh, has been an area of special interest and significance for
Practical Action Bangladesh (formally ITDG Bangladesh). The research report on Food, Livelihood and Freshwater Ecology:
The Significance of Small Indigenous Fish Species bears special challenges relate particularly to key concerns such as food
security, resource degradation and livelihood options of the poor. Food insecurity is a chronic problem for a vast majority of
the people of Bangladesh, who do not have access to adequate food as required to lead an active life. The crisis is more
pronounced amongst the income-poor landless and marginal households. Inadequate intake of fish/animal protein, fat/oil,
fruits and vegetables is reflected in endemic malnutrition, under-nourishment, diseases, and high child mortality. Also the
current state of the fisheries sector in Bangladesh is manifested in destruction further by water pollution, shrinking gene pool
and loss of indigenous varieties. All these have grave consequence on the means if people to live, and use fishers resources
in a sustainable manner.
I would like to express my gratitude to Zobaida Samina Heaven, Aquaculturist of ITDG [Practical Action] for her relentless
effort to develop the Fisheries programme in ITDG [ Practical Action] and for the overall coordination of the research
successfully. I am also grateful to BASC and their team of researchers who made this possible by undertaking the
assignment on behalf of ITDG [Practical Action].
Veena Khaleue
Country Director
Intermediate Technology Development Group Bangladesh [Practical Action Bangladesh]
Rational, Aims, Objectives and Methodology of the Study
Field Survey: PRA Results
Conclusions and Recommendations
Issues Arising
Actions Proposals
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Concerns over the continuing deterioration and degradation of the freshwater ecosystem, and associated decline in fish,
particularly the Small Indigenous Species (SIS) prompted Intermediate Technology Development Group-Bangladesh – now
Practical Action Bangladesh - to carry out some preliminary research in this area. The research was aimed at identifying the
nutritional importance of SIS in the diet as perceived by their consumers, and importance to those who eke out a livelihood
from their harvest. An inventory was made of SIS currently available in different aquatic environments. A review of the
current knowledge of the freshwater ecosystem and its characteristics was conducted with particular reference to the status
of SIS. The causes for the decline of SIS and its impact on human society as well as the aquatic environment were
investigated. Finally, a series of options for sustaining the aquatic environment and SIS have been outlined, and
recommendations made.