Anura Gaspe, Peter Messer and Pete Young, Clay Testing - A Manual on the Clay/Non-clay Ratio
Measurement Technique, IT Publications, London
Bill Stewart et. al, Improved Wood, Waste and Charcoal Burning Stoves - A Practitioner's Manual, IT
Publications, London
Pete Young and Caroline Ashley, Stoves for Sale (available from ITDG)
Tim Jones, Handbook for the Manufacture and Use of the Paddle Mould for the Production of Ceramic
Cooking Stoves in Developing Countries (available from GTZ Household Energy Programme, D-65 726
Eschborn, Germany)
Tim Jones, Practical Tips for Potters Making Improved Cooking Stoves - A Manual for Potters and Stove
Promoters (contact UK Tel/Fax +44 1539446811 or via ITDG)
Clay Materials for the Self-reliant Potter (available from GA TE-GTZ, PO Box 5180, D6236 Eschborn,
Feasibility Studies - Training Activities and Guidelines to Determine if a Business is a Good Idea (available
from OEF International, 1815 H Street, NW, 11th Floor, Washington, DC 20006)
Forming Techniques for the Self-reliant Potter (available from GA TE-GTZ, PO Box 5180, D-6236
Eschborn, Germany)
Marketing Strategy - Training Activities for Entrepreneurs (available from OEF International, 1815 H Street,
NW, 11th Floor, Washington, DC 20006)
This series of booklets based on the experience in East Africa includes:
• People Approach: A Guide to Participatory Household Energy Needs Assessment
• Appropriate Household Energy Technology Development: Training Manual
• How to Build and Use a Better Bonfire Kiln
• Appropriate Mud Stoves in East Africa
Practical Actiion
The Schumacher Centre for Technology and Development
Rugby, Warwickshire, CV23 9QZ
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1926 634400
Fax: +44 (0)1926 634401
E-mail: info@practicalaction.org.uk
Website: http://www.practicalaction.org/
Practical Action East Africa
P O Box 39493
Tel: +254 (0)20 719313, 715293, 719413
Fax: +254 (0)20 710083
E-mail: kenya@practicalaction.or.ke