A Partnership
Take the example of a few people collectively buying a tractor for field work. Besides sharing it for your
work, maintaining it is also necessary. Sometimes you’ll have to train a villager for this and you’ll have
to pay him for his labour and time. Money would be necessary to buy spare parts, fuel and for repairs.
Therefore, it is important that you should have a good understanding about use, maintenance and
finance in such partnerships.
The electricity generated in a village (through the community based village hydro power project) would
be like a tractor of joint use. Big or small, a lot of knowledge and skill is required to handle and maintain
an electricity generator. Besides money for the initial cost of buying an electricity generator, money to
purchase other components also needs to be found. Building a fund by collecting small amounts of money
from the villagers would be the first step. Obtaining a loan from the bank may also be necessary.