Basic survey form
(to be used by the village to gather important information about the potential of implementing a
Community based micro-hydro village electrification scheme – this form can provide useful information
to a micro-hydro developer)
1. The name of the village: ………………………………………………………
2. The name of you/your organisation: …………………………………………
3. A map of the village
The course of the water current and waterfalls used in irrigation should be marked. Attach a detailed
The approximate height to the water source from the proposed location of the proposed electricity plant
The water level on sunny seasons:……………………………………………………..
The length of the pipeline which supplies water:……………………………………...
4. The number of houses requiring electricity:………………………………………......
Are they marked on the map? …………………………………………………………
Are the distances between houses, and their distance to the channels of irrigation mentioned?
The total number of houses including the houses marked on the map: …………..
5. The method of maintenance
Is there a trained technician in the village? Is there anyone with relevant technical skill or any other
skill? Are there any other skilled technicians living in the area?
Is there a hydro project near your village? Where is it? How far is it situated? How is it maintained?