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< prev - next > Agriculture Irrigation water_harvesting_dams_sudan (Printable PDF)
ITDG Excuted and Planned Water Harvesting Projects
1.0 Shangil Tobaya Water
Harvesting Project
Location and Inhabitants: The project
is near the village of Shangil Tobaya,
84km south east of El Fashir, North
Darfur State. The area is populated by
multi-ethnic people; the most prominent
are the Tunjor tribe (60 %). Others
include the Zagawa, Berti, and Fallata
Number of Beneficiaries: There are
800 families benefiting from the wadi
water. In addition, 2,000 workers
have been employed to work as casual
labourers by farmers who use the water
on their farms.
Amount of Surface Water Captured in
Cubic Metres: 240,000 cubic metres per
Irrigated Area in Feddans: Due to
ITDG’s intervention the irrigated
area has increased from 450 to 5,141
1.1 Problem Statement
THE water-harvesting project has
been established at Wadi Abu
Hamra, near Shangil Tobaya village,
since 1963. The system is based on
the fact that floodwater is retarded by
the masonry control structure so that it
can be diverted by distributory canals,
or small watercourses, to irrigate
agricultural land. However, due to silt
build-up over the years since the project
began, the existing control structure is
no longer functioning.
1.2 Project Goal
THE aim of this project was to
collect and analyse hydrological
data and use it to design and construct a
new improved irrigation system near the
village of Shangil Tobaya.
1.3 Project Description
THE project conducted a hydrological
analysis that showed:
- Maximum flood discharge =
- Estimated flood duration = 7 hours
- Volume of flood per storm =
Based on these figures, the newly
designed water-harvesting project is
composed of:
a. Flood control structure
b. Branch canals
c. Protective embankment
The following solutions were introduced
for the rehabilitation of the existing
control structure:
i. Heightening the structure by 1m to
make a new main spillway with two
side spillways.
ii. Clearing the silt upstream of the
structure to a depth of 1m. The amount
of silt to be cleared is about 350cu.m.
iii. Three trenches to be dug in the
existing structure for the erection of 3
steel sluice gates each with a steel pipe.
Spillway System