- Spillway crest length = 7.0m
New Structure No. 4: The structure has
two gates, 0.35m in diameter each, for
silt control, flood control and water
regulation to Canal A.
- Spillway crest level = 100.40m
- Spillway crest length = 14.0m
Operation Procedures
Flood Control: Initially all gates of the
four new structures are closed. Only the
spilled water from the four structures
and from the old spillway passes
through the earth embankment.
If the water level upstream of the earth
embankment reaches 100.75m, 75cm
above the old spillway crest level,
all gates can be opened to increase
the passing capacity of the earth
embankment. This must include all
gates of New Structure No. 2.
Silt Control: Initially all gates of
the new structures are closed. If the
amount of silt deposited upstream of the
embankment becomes significant, the
gates can be opened fully or partially
to wash out the silt. The 3 open pipes
erected at the old spillway are used to
wash out silt deposited upstream
Controlled Flood Irrigation: The spilled
water from New Structures No. 1, 3 and
4 is used to feed Canals C, B and A
respectively. To protect the canal system
against high floods, exits located at the
end of each canal are used to control the
water supply levels of the three canals.
Field watercourses then take water from
the canals through pipes allowing it to
flood the agricultural land.
If the water level upstream of the earth
embankment drops to a level below
100.00m, it means that no spilled water
is released to Canal C. In this case, the
gates of New Structure No. 2 can be
opened to release excess water.
If the water level upstream of the
earth embankment drops to a level
below 100.40m, no spilled water can
be released to Canal A or Canal B. In
this case, the gates of New Structure
No. 3 and New Structure No. 4 can be
opened to release water to Canals A and
B respectively.
2.0 Abu Degaise Water
Harvesting Project
Location: The project site is located
about 18km north west of El Fashir.
T1.1 Project Description
HE project has the potential to
irrigates an agricultural area of
about 1,000 feddans.
The new project consists of the
Control Structures:
Structure 1:
- Length
= 7.0m
- Crest Level = 101.00m
- Height of Spillway Masonry Wall
= 1.0m
- Number of sluice gates (0.50m Dia.)
Structure 2:
- Length
= 7.0m
- Crest Level = 100.00m