Marking Activities as Complete

If you have not already done so, go back through the course and check off all of the activities that you have successfully completed. The link provided will take you back to Unit 1 of the course.

You should notice that if you attempted and submitted answers for the Unit 2 Assessment, you will already have some sort of activity completion indicated, showing that you have either attempted and passed the quiz, or have attempted it but did not score a "passing" grade. Even though scores on unit assessments don't count towards your overall course grade, as previously mentioned, we do still generally use a 70% cut off score to indicate "successful completion," when activities can be automatically graded (note: our ability to tie activity completion to a specific score is a recent feature. In setting up some previous courses activity completion may have been triggered by getting any score on a quiz. Likewise, some activities in other courses may be automatically marked as complete after viewing them, rather than based on manually marking them. Our goal is to standardize all courses in time.)