Read Course Descriptions, Intros and Syllabi

Before actually enrolling in a course, it is important that you know what you are getting into. One of the advantages of the Saylor site is that almost all course information is available for free, without even the need to be logged in. This allows students, teachers, and anyone else who is interested to get a very good idea of what any particular Saylor course is composed of and to determine whether or not it is right for them.

Use this link to go back to the course catalog. If you didn't already do so in the previous section, actually use the search feature or category listings to help find a course that may be of interest to you. Once you have found a course or interest, click the course link to be taken to the course's main page. Once on the course page, do the following to get an even clearer picture of what the course contains:

  • Read the "Course Introduction" section for a more detailed overview of the course;
  • Locate and open the "Course Syllabus," which will provide you with information about the learning objectives covered in the course, the expected number of hours the course will take to complete, information about the requirements to pass the course, and information and links about how to earn college credit from that course, if such options exist;
  • From either the course main page, or the left side navigation block, explore the Units and Topics that are covered in the course.

The combination of these things should provide you with enough information to determine whether or not you'd like to continue in the course.

Click link to open resource.