Read this article for more information on the algebra of combinations.
Pascal's triangle is a simple, manual way to calculate binomial coefficients.
Look at the table at the bottom of the reading. The first column, (0,1,2,3,4,5), contains the numbers of the rows - the 0th row, 1st row, 2nd row, etc. - and corresponds to the exponent 'n' in (x + y)n .
Ignore the first column for the moment. Take the nth row and shift it n spaces to the left, i.e. the 0th row is not shifted, the 1st row is shifted 1 space to the left, the 2nd row is shifted 2 spaces to the left, the 3rd row is shifted 3 spaces to the left, etc. This shifting results in a shape of a triangle - '1' is at the top of the triangle in the 0th row, '1 1' is next in the 1st row offset by one space (so that the '1' at the top is above the space in '1 1'), etc. This triangle for n from 0 to 5 generalizes to any n and is called Pascal's triangle. These numbers are the coefficients for the binomial equation presented in the following subunit.