University of California, San Diego: Edward Bender and S. Williamson's "Arithmetic, Logic and Numbers: Boolean Functions and Computer Arithmetic"
Read Section 1: "Boolean Functions and Computer Arithmetic" up to example 6 on pages BF-1 to BF-4. Example 4 includes XOR. This reading presents material similar to Devadas and Lehman, but uses the language of Boolean functions. Throughout our study, we will see the relationship of English statements, logic, Boolean functions, and sets, and will learn how to translate between them to represent the same meaning. Exclusive OR is defined in example 4. Example5 discusses the relation of Boolean functions and logic.
XOR is the exclusive OR symbol. It differs from OR in that the resulting value is true if and only if exactly one of the operands is true. Thus, the result value in the truth table for XOR is false (F) for the row where each operand has the value true (T).
Truth tables for operations, such as exclusive OR, are derived from the definition of the operation, as seen in this reading.