Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Srini Devadas and Eric Lehman's "Logic"

Read the beginning paragraphs in the Logic section up to Section 1, and then read Section 1.2 and Section 1.3 on pages 3 - 6.

This reading (and the following readings for this section) shows the relationship of natural language, in our case English, to the language of logic. Logic deals with simple statements, called propositions, that are either true or false, and operators - for example, NOT, AND, and OR - that combine propositions to form compound statements. Translating from English to logic involves analyzing English statements, i.e. parsing them, into elementary statements that can be expressed as propositions, connected by conjunctions, which usually can be expressed as logic operations. However, since natural languages are not always precise, we have to be careful to understand the semantics, or meaning, of an English statement and then express that same meaning using logic.