Leicester University: Richard Mobbs' "Introduction to HTML/XHTML: Defining a Linked Style Sheet"

This chapter provides you with the information about how you tell a web browser to format an HTML file with a specific CSS file. Without this, the browser will use default style sheets to display the HTML.

Using the information in the above reading, you will need to link your "mystylesheets.css" to your "index.htm" example webpage. First, copy-and-paste the "link" declaration from this chapter between the and tags of "index.htm" (WARNING: make sure that your link declaration is not nested inside the and tags of the example webpage you created in conjunction with "1.4.2 The Essential Anatomy of an HTML file."). After saving "index.htm," take a look at your page using your web browser. The new style rules in "mystylesheets.css" should change the appearance of your page. NOTE: Don't bother with the style settings provided as examples in this chapter, as your simple "index.htm" file does not need the styles here. The styles already in your "mystylesheets.css" file should demonstrate how CSS can be used to modify your "index.htm" file. That said, there is no harm in experimenting - just be sure you keep backup copies of your files!