Web Design: "Inline CSS, Embedded CSS, and External CSS"
We have already learned in sub-subunit: 1.3.3 Applying CSS to HTML that there are three different ways of applying styles to HTML. While we have already created an example of "external" or "linked" CSS (which is generally the best practice for web coding), it is important for you to be able to distinguish between inline, embedded, and external use-cases of CSS. This is particularly true if you are working with existing websites that may more than one of these techniques, or if you are using a content management system that prevents you from linking to external style sheets.
For the purposes of learning these different techniques, create a few copies of "index.htm" in different directories and try using the techniques you have learned in this unit to modify the presentation of your paragraphs and headings using each technique. Also try using two or more of these techniques to modify the same version of your "index.htm" file - you will likely have unexpected results if your styles conflict. Keep this in mind as you advance through the rest of this unit, as the reasons for this will become more clear as you come to understand the "cascading" nature of "Cascading Style Sheets."