Paul Morris' "Parts of a Spreadsheet"

What is a spreadsheet? In this reading, you will examine the basic building blocks of a spreadsheet. As you read, try to answer the following questions: What is the difference between a row and a column? Which is identified by a number, and which is identified by a letter? How are cells formed?

Examine and memorize the definitions of cells, rows, and columns below and see examples of each.

The first image is an example of a CELL. The highlighted rectangle with the number 215 is called B1, because on the grid it is the precise location of where column B meets row 1.

Image shows a segment of an Excel worksheet to demonstrate a cell

The second image is an example of a ROW. The numbers 734, 238, and 159 are entered in row 1.

Image shows a segment of an Excel worksheet to demonstrate a row

The third image is an example of a COLUMN. The numbers 145, 657, and 987 are entered in column A.

Image shows a segment of an Excel worksheet to demonstrate a column