Practice Business Memo

Download this Microsoft Word document. Use the checklist below to help you create a block style business memo. Most of the memo has been typed for you, but the formatting needs to be corrected. Save and print the document when you are finished and compare it to the answer key provided below. Try not to look at the answer key until after you have attempted this activity on your own first.

Please review the following checklist when creating a business memo:

  1. Is the word MEMO centered on the top with a space underneath?
  2. Are the heading words to, from, date, and subject capitalized and bolded, but not the information following the heading words?
  3. Was the Tab key used to line up all information after the heading words?
  4. Is the spacing correct?
  5. Is there a line separating the top heading information from the body of the text?
  6. Are the typist's initials present?

Click PracticeBusinessMemo.doc link to view the file.