Course Syllabus
Welcome to PRDV002: Professional Writing. General information about this course and its requirements can be found below.
Course Designer: Mary Morley Cohen, PhD
Course Description: This course is designed to provide adult learners with the basic skills they need to write effective documents in the workplace.
Evaluation and Minimum Passing Scores
You will only receive an official grade on your final exam. However, in order to adequately prepare for this exam, we recommend that you work through the materials in each unit. Throughout the course you may find practice quizzes or other assignments that will help you master material and gauge your learning. Scores on these assignments are informational only and do not contribute to your overall course grade. In order to pass this course, you will need to earn a 70% or higher on the final exam. Your score on the exam will be tabulated as soon as you complete it. If you do not pass the exam, you may take it again following a 7-day waiting period.
Technical Requirements
This course is delivered fully online. You will be required to have access to a computer or web-capable mobile device and have consistent access to the internet to either view or download the necessary course resources and to attempt any auto-graded course assessments and the final exam.
To access the full course including assessments and the final exam, you will need to be logged into your Saylor Academy account and enrolled in the course. If you do not already have an account, you may create one, free of charge, here. Although you can access some course resources without being logged into your account, it’s advised that you log in to maximize your course experience. For example, some of the accessibility and progress tracking features are only available when you are logged in.
For additional technical guidance check out Saylor’s tech-FAQ and the Moodle LMS tutorial.
There is no cost to access and enroll in this course. All required course resources linked throughout the course, including textbooks, videos, webpages, activities, etc are accessible for no charge. This course also contains a free final exam and course completion certificate.
Time Commitment
While learning styles can vary considerably and any particular student will take more or less time to learn or read, we estimate that the "average" student will take 3.5 hours to complete this course. Each overall unit within the course is similarly tagged with an estimated time advisory. We recommend that you work through the course at a pace that is comfortable for you and allows you to make regular (daily, or at least weekly) progress. It's a good idea to also schedule your study time in advance and try as best as you can to stick to that schedule.
It may be useful to take a look at these time advisories and to determine how much time you have over the next few weeks to complete each unit, and then to set goals for yourself. Perhaps you can sit down with your calendar and decide to complete Unit 1 (a total of an hour and 45 minutes) on Monday night, Unit 2 (a total of an hour and 15 minutes) on Tuesday, and Unit 3 (approximately 30 minutes) and the course final exam on Wednesday; etc.
Learning new material can be challenging, so below we've compiled a few suggested study strategies to help you succeed.
Take notes on the various terms, practices, and theories as you read. This can help you differentiate and contextualize concepts and later provide you with a refresher as you study.
As you progress through the materials, take time to test yourself on what you have retained and how well you understand the concepts. The process of reflection is important for creating a memory of the materials you learn; it will increase the probability that you ultimately retain the information.
Although you may work through this course completely independently, you may find it helpful to connect with other Saylor students through the discussion forums or study groups. You may access the discussion forums at
In order to get the most benefit from this course, you should choose a writing project to develop as you work through the course material. Ideally, this project should be something that you need to write anyway: a memo for work, an important email, or a cover letter for a job application. This project will allow you to immediately apply and practice the concepts taught in this course.
Pay special attention to Unit 1, as it lays the groundwork for understanding the more advanced material presented in the latter units.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
- define professional writing, and identify the major genres of professional writing;
- conduct basic audience research to determine for whom he or she is writing and why;
- determine the main point of your document, and summarize your main point in one sentence;
- use concrete characters rather than abstract nouns;
- identify and explain how to avoid the most common ethical problems in professional writing;
- reinforce the main point in the most strategic locations throughout the document;
- adapt and revise messaging for different contexts and audiences;
- identify common problems that prevent writing from being easily understood by a variety of audiences; and
- use multiple editorial strategies for revising and improving documents.
Suggested Prerequisites
In order to take this course you should:
- have read the Saylor Student Handbook.