LiDA103 Edubit Rubric
Weighting table
Each task contributes to the calculation of the final grade according to the following proportional weightings.
Task | Weighting |
Task 1: Interpret knowledge of copyright, open licensing, and compatible remix of license types within in a global digital context | 25% |
Task 2: Apply knowledge of copyright, open licensing and legal remix compatibility in a global digital context | 50% |
Task 3: Analyse the potential of open education approaches for learning in a digital age | 25% |
Total | 100% |
Download print version of Assessment and rubrics for LiDA103 (pdf)
Task 1: Interpret knowledge of copyright, open licensing, and compatible remix of license types within in a global digital context
Weighting: 25%
Criterion | Achieved 10 – 9 | Achieved 8-7 | Achieved 6-5 | Not achieved 4-0 |
Demonstrate competence in knowledge of the scope, ownership, rights, protections, exceptions and transfer of rights associated with copyright in a digital world. Demonstrate competence in knowledge of open licensing and legal remix compatibility for derivative works. | The applicant achieves a passmark between 90% – 100% for the competency test. | The applicant achieves a passmark between 70% – 89% for the competency test. | The applicant achieves a passmark between 50% – 69% for the competency test. | The applicant does not achieve a pass mark of 50%. |
Task 2: Apply knowledge of copyright, open licensing and legal remix compatibility in a global digital context
Weighting: 50%
Criterion | Achieved 10 – 9 | Achieved 8-7 | Achieved 6-5 | Not achieved 4-0 |
Publish a blog post demonstrating legal remix of works using Creative Commons (CC) license types and best practices for attribution including a reflection on the issues pertaining to license choice for derivative works. | In addition to the requirements for 8-7, the applicant publishes and exemplary post that:
| The applicant incorporates works from a minimum of three (3) different Creative Commons license types. In addition to the requirements for 6-5, the applicant must:
| The applicant must publish a blog post of (about 400 words) on a topical concept or interesting idea, for example, a hobby or personal interest, that:
The applicant must provide a short reflection providing a valid reason for the license applied for the derivative work and valid reason on the ownership of the work under the respective copyright legislation and/or organisational policy, if applicable. The reflection only superficially addresses the complexities of license choice for derivative works. | The applicant does not provide a valid url to a public blog post and / or has not achieved the minimum specified task requirements for 6-5. |
Task 3: Analyse the potential of open education approaches for learning in a digital age
Weighting: 25%
Criterion | Achieved 10 – 9 | Achieved 8-7 | Achieved 6-5 | Not achieved 4-0 |
Select and review a dimension of openness in a given context and prepare a report including recommendations for improving current implementation for supporting learning in a digital age. | The applicant publishes an exemplary and objective report demonstrating depth of insight into the challenges and opportunities associated with the implementation of the dimension of openness based on a thorough review of evidence. The applicant can clearly reason and justify why the dimension is important for contemporary society in a digital age at the meso and macro levels. The report includes a minimum of 8 credible and reliable resources demonstrating considerable discernment in the selection of references to cover the components in the report. There are no errors in applying the APA style. | The applicant incorporates a minimum of five (5) sources to support evidence in the report. In addition to the other requirements for 6-5 the applicant provides: a clear understanding of the relationship between the dimension of openness and learning in a digital age; and explanations how the plausible recommendations for improving implementation will improve adoption. The report has justified why the dimension is important at the meso (organisational or sub-sectoral level) but not adequately covered the macro (broader societal) issues. There are no errors applying the APA style. | The applicant produces a report providing recommendations for improving one dimension of openness (e.g open access, free and open source software, open textbooks, open policy, open business models or open educational practices) for learning in a particular context. The report must:
The report tends to focus on the micro or personal level, rather than broader organisational or societal levels. | The applicant does not submit a report that meets the minimum specified task requirements for 6-5 or has not submitted a valid url if published online. |