Guiding Framework

The purpose of this section is to provide a framework for thinking about digital citizenship to guide your learning.

An organising framework for thinking about digital citizenship

Autumm Caines[1] provides a useful framework for thinking about digital citizenship

  1. Digital identities that is who you are online including the identities of others (individuals and organisations). We will explore the concept of identify in more detail in the next learning pathway.
  2. Digital environments, specifically the tools and online spaces we use to interact with each other. (For example Facebook, Mastodon, Twitter, Blogs, Forums etc.).
  3. Interactions between these identities and environments.

Model for digital citizenship. Adapted from Caines 2017[2]

  1. Prompt 1 – What is digital citizenship
  2. What is DigCiz and Why I am Not Marina Abramovic: thoughts on theory and practice

Last modified: Monday, February 26, 2018, 12:23 PM