Researching a definition
Learning in a digital age is facilitated and enabled by resources learners can access on the Internet. This involves the ability to search, evaluate and select resources to support your learning. A key feature of a PLE is the ability to share useful and valuable information with your peers.
In this section, you will complete your first resource bank activity where you are invited to search for additional resources to help you refine and develop your own definition of digital literacies and to reflect on how this differs from definitions for digital skills. The resource bank activity builds on your initial search on the previous page by inviting you to share links to valuable resources you source on the Internet. The resource bank provides the technology to share these resources with our LiDA learning community.
The OERu resource bank hosted at is an open source social bookmarking application which enables users to share and annotate links to resources they find on the web. It uses a tag system to group resources according to different topics. The tag system helps users to locate links to resources on the site using the same tag.
Resource bank activity
First resource bank activity: Search, evaluate, select, annotate, tag and share resource links
The purpose of this activity is to find and select online definitions for digital literacies and digital skills and to record and share these links using the OERu resource bank. This activity is designed to give you the opportunity to familiarise yourself with our shared resource bank, which is hosted on the site. Note the format of the resource bank activity; in particular, scroll down to the footnote area at the bottom of this activity to see the required and recommended tags.
- Search
- Conduct a general Google search to find a few definitions for digital literacies and digital skills (narrow your search to three or four resources you find valuable for both concepts.)
- Select
- Select the best resource link for each concept – think about why you chose these links.
- Create an account on bookmarks
- Click on the register link on
- The code you need to register your account on bookmarks is: “oer4all” (all lowercase without quotation marks).
- For additional help in using bookmarks, consult the support site.
- Record, annotate and tag your bookmarks
- Log in to and click on the “Add” link to record your best resource link describing digital literacies and your best resource link for describing digital skills.
- Remember to add the required tags and suggested tags (see below in the footnote area).
- Notes about tags: Tags should be lowercase without spaces. When adding more than one tag these should be separated using commas. The lida101a2-1 refers to the first activity of the second learning pathway of the lida101 course.
- Important: Remember to make your bookmark public (this is located next to the privacy section in the edit window when adding a bookmark).
- Include a short description summarising the link including why you recommend the resource.
- Explore the bookmark tags for digital literacy and digital skills
- Click on the “Tags” link located at the top of the page at
- Search for resources tagged: digital literacy, or with the activity number: lida101a2-1 (Note, remember to select “all bookmarks” so that your search is not restricted to your own bookmarks.)
- Explore a few bookmarks which have been submitted by fellow learners. If you find a resource you like, vote for the resource by clicking on the “thumbs-up” graphic. Click on the “copy” link to add useful bookmarks to your personal bookmark account on
- Search for resources tagged: digital skills (Remember to select “all bookmarks”).
- Explore a few bookmarks which have been submitted by fellow learners and vote for those that you find useful.
The resource bank is hosted at The system uses tags to search for related resources. Log in and vote for resources you find useful. Please use the following tags for this activity:
Required tags: : lida101, lida101a2-1
Suggested tags: : digital literacy, digital skills (or other descriptive tag(s))
Quicklink: : lida101a2-1