Unit 2 Learning Outcome and Objectives

Learning outcome

On successful completion of this microcourse, learners will be able to:

  • Develop a positive digital online identity in support of learning commensurate with good practice for privacy, security and interpersonal communications.


Upon successful completion of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Describe the dimensions of digital citizenship and e-Literacy appropriate for work and learning in the 21st century and how these differ from off-line communities.
  • Outline the rights and responsibilities of a digital citizen
  • Expand your online learning network by adopting a proactive approach to improving your web presence to support and engage in learning in a digital age.
  • Apply good online hygiene practices to ensure your privacy and security in digital environments.
  • Evaluate a range of digital media, technologies and communities appropriate for supporting learning
  • Gain an understanding of the implications of digital technology for your future career
  • Describe societal issues and problematic online behaviours which have emerged in the digital world and how to deal with these challenges in an ethical manner.
  • Develop a positive digital identity and digital footprint for learning.

Last modified: Thursday, January 4, 2018, 2:59 PM