Unit 1 Learning Outcome and Objectives

Learning outcome

Upon successful completion of  Unit 1 you will be able to:

  • Apply digital tools effectively to demonstrate learning literacies including advanced search strategies to identify and select relevant open access resources to research, analyse, produce and present information for tertiary education purposes.


Upon successful completion of Unit 1, you will be able to:

  • Apply digital skills for establishing and maintaining a personal learning environment on the open web
  • Outline the breadth of digital learning literacies for the 21st century
  • Apply effective search strategies for both search engines and repositories to find relevant open access resources
  • Apply skills for judging the legitimacy of open resources
  • Apply frameworks for selecting appropriate resources to support learning
  • Apply learning and academic literacies, including note-taking, preparing annotated bibliographies, paraphrasing and reflective learning skills
  • Apply online skills for planning and writing an essay, including how to prepare a bibliography, how to cite sources online for academic purposes and how to maintain a bibliography

Last modified: Monday, December 4, 2017, 1:19 AM