Unit 8 Study Guide and Review: Searching and Sorting Algorithms

8a. Demonstrate effective hash tables

  1. How does hashing determine the position of an object/element in the data storage space?
  2. What are means of handling collisions?
  3. Is it necessary for the hash key to be unique across all key/data pairs?
  4. In what way does the statistical distribution of key values affect hashing effectiveness?
  5. How can data search be a part of a hashing capability?
  6. How can data sorting be part of a hashing capability.

Hashing goes beyond searching and sorting to calculate the position of a key/value pair in a data storage space. No system is ever perfect. In hashing it is possible that two different key/value pairs will try to occupy the same location in the data storage space. There are numerous ways to handle that situation, as discussed in this lecture and this follow-on lecture. Other approaches are described here on pages 324-345, with a focus on practical implementation.

8b. Demonstrate effective graphs

  1. What is the difference between a graph and a tree?
  2. How is the efficiency and effectiveness of a graph traversal algorithm related to a graph’s topology?
  3. In what ways may a graph be represented by a computer program?
  4. Which are the two most common ways to visit all nodes in a graph?
  5. Which are the two most commonly-required graph paths?

In computer science, the term "graph" refers to a set of vertices (points or nodes) and of edges (lines) that connect the vertices. The creation and traversal of graphs is an important topic when learning to solve complex problems that involve numerous relationships. For an excellent discussion on graphs and graph traversal, read Chapter 11 of this open-access text. As in all things, we need efficiency and effectiveness. Both are defined relative to the application at hand, although it is true that O(f(n)) can be estimated in general for various paradigms. We studied various graph traversals. Each is useful for different applications: finding non-cyclical paths, depth-first search, breadth-first search, lowest-cost path, minimal spanning tree.

8c. Demonstrate effective trees

  1. What is the difference between binary and non-binary trees?
  2. What is the difference between partial and complete trees?
  3. How might one compare trees to graphs?
  4. What are the basic elements of a tree?
  5. What are the two major approaches to visiting every node of a tree?
  6. How are infix and postfix notations related to tree-building and traversal?

Trees are a special case of graphs. A tree is a graph whose nodes do not have multiple references. Plus, tree traversal is only in one direction, downward, from root (top) to leaves (bottom). Review this page for basic definitions and illustrations. Many applications can be satisfied by binary trees (review chapter 5). However, do not be satisfied with being able to respond to common requests. A deeper understanding of trees enables solutions to a wider range of requirements. Continue your study of trees by reviewing non-binary trees (review chapter 6).

Unit 8 Vocabulary

This vocabulary list includes terms that might help you with the review items above and some terms you should be familiar with to be successful in completing the final exam for the course.

Try to think of the reason why each term is included.

Relative to Hashing

  • hashing
  • hash function
  • hash table
  • key/value pair
  • collision
  • chaining
  • open addressing
  • bucket
  • overflow
  • linear probing
  • load factor

Relative to Graphs

  • graph
  • digraph
  • labeled graph
  • weighted graph
  • vertex
  • path
  • depth-first
  • breadth-first
  • spanning tree
  • verticy
  • edge
  • undirected graph
  • adjacent
  • simple path
  • cycle
  • simple cycle
  • subgraph
  • acyclic graph
  • traversal
  • shortest path
  • minimal spanning tree
  • lowest-cost path

Relative to Trees

  • root
  • leaf
  • node
  • branch
  • parent
  • child
  • level
  • ancestor
  • descendent
  • depth
  • height
  • size
  • incomplete tree
  • complete tree
  • infix
  • postfix
  • red/black tree
  • binary search tree
  • huffman coding tree
  • subtree
  • depth-first
  • width-first
  • post-order
  • pre-order
Last modified: Wednesday, October 18, 2017, 1:45 PM