Unit 7 Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:
- Understand common search methods.
- Define linear, binary, and fibonacci search.
- Illustrate how linear, binary, and fibonacci search would be implemented using arrays.
- Illustrate how linear, binary, and fibonacci search would be implemented using linked lists.
- Compare linear, binary, and fibonacci search in terms of their memory and runtime efficiency.
- Understand common sort methods.
- Describe insertion, quick, and merge sort.
- Compare insertion, quick, and merge sorting in terms of their overall memory and runtime efficiency.
- Chart the efficiency of insertion, quick, and merge sorting for small, medium, and large data loads.
- Plan efficient and effective search and sort algorithms.
- Apply Big-O analysis to discern the efficiency of searching and sorting algorithms relative to data volumes and categories.
- State the worst, average, and best time complexity for common search and sort algorithms.
- Judge searching and sorting algorithms relative to their application efficiency.
- Determine the efficiency of common sorting and searching algorithms in terms of their computer-resource utilization.
- Illustrate means of empirically demonstrating that your estimate of resource utilization is correct for a given application.
- Rate search and sort algorithms relative to an application's needs.
- Recommend and justify the use of a specific search or sort algorithm according to expected data sizes.
Last modified: Monday, September 25, 2017, 1:11 PM