Unit 3 Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:
- Interpret native C/C++ variable declarations relative to data organization and access.
- Illustrate the difference between scalars, vectors, and arrays.
- Describe the various types of scalars.
- Show how scalars, vectors, and arrays are used to organize values according to a specific multi-dimensional categorization.
- Demonstrate how the range of a numeric scalar type can be extended via compound declarations.
- Explain why scalar types may not have the same numeric range from one compiler to another on the same machine.
- Explain why scalar types may not have the same numeric range using the same source-code on different machines of the same word size.
- Choose access approaches appropriate to contiguous and non-contiguous memory cases
- Choose approaches to using pointer variables for memory access within scalars, vectors, and arrays.
- Define pointer variable.
- Relate the value of a pointer variable to the location of a variable's value in memory.
- Explain how to declare a pointer variable in C/C++.
- Explain how to get the memory location of a scalar value.
- Show how pointer math is used to access specific elements of a vector or array existing in contiguous memory.
Last modified: Monday, September 25, 2017, 1:02 PM