Unit 1 Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:
- Solve program implementation requirements using multidimensional arrays.
- Build multi-dimensional arrays using native C/C++ definitions.
- Build multi-dimensional arrays using a combination of vectors.
- Demonstrate multi-dimensional arrays having varying length rows or columns.
- Define contiguous memory.
- Discuss why arrays of all kinds do not necessarily occupy contiguous memory.
- Relate C/C++ structures and classes to ADTs.
- Explain how structures (C language) and classes (C++ language) can be treated as ADTs.
- Illustrate the difference between an ADT definition and an ADT instance.
- Relate ADTs to the Standard Template Library (STL), a formal part of the C++ language.
- Apply the general concept of ADTs to lists and arrays accessed via pointers.
- Demonstrate how lists and arrays are specific forms of ADTs.
- Define pointer.
- Relate pointers to specific cells (data locations) in a list or array.
- Apply pointers to elementary data access requirements.
Last modified: Monday, September 25, 2017, 12:58 PM