Mentat Wiki: "Peg System"
This article describes the basis of a number of mnemonic cues: pegging. Keep in mind that not all mnemonics suit every person. Consider this as you review not only this reading but also other mnemonic systems that are closely related to the peg system, such as the link system. The techniques covered here have been chosen primarily because they use easy-to-understand language and are relatively simple to apply.
The Peg System is a memory technique -- one where you 'hang' things you want to remember onto 'pegs,' sort of like hanging up a coat.
The main thing about pegs is that they are always the same.
For example, if you've pegged 1 to "Tie", 2 to "Noah," and 3 to "Ma," then you always use Tie for 1, Noah for 2, and Ma for 3. That way, if you're trying to remember what came with 2, you always think, "Now, what was up with Noah?" Because "Noah" means a lot more to us than just the abstract "#2."
In the LociSystem the pegs are memorable locations on a journey. The MajorSystem can be used as a peg system, here the pegs are formed from the images formed from the numbers 00 through 99 (or through 999). In SemCubed the pegs are formed from the numbers 0 through 10000 giving a huge set of pegs onto which images can be attached.
When you have your firmly located peg you then need to hang on it the item to remember. The technique here is to use the LinkSystem to form a memorable link from the peg to the item to remember. This link should use as many good link techniques as possible, using senses, exaggeration, color, size, etc.
Link: Peg list 1000 -- a peg list of 1000 items using the major system.