Menu Environment

Study this example of a menu environment. Although we will be using a ribbon environment, the menu environment may be similar to what you are currently using. All word processors contain the same basic commands, although they may be found in different places.

This screen shot shows MS Word 2003 with drop-down File Menus environment, which is similar to most other word processing programs. Each word is a drop down menu of tools. The next page shows two of the drop down menus.

Screenshot of Microsoft Word 2003 Interface

The File Menu has most of the same commands on the File Ribbon in current 2007 and 2010 versions of Microsoft Word.

Screenshot of Microsoft Word 2007 Interface with a text insert indicating that new versions of Word do not have dropdown menus which cover a portion of the document.

The Format menu is now mainly contained within the Home Ribbon on the newer versions of Microsoft Word.

Last modified: Thursday, April 27, 2017, 2:58 PM